hie. after almost one month of not updating finally feel like updating. [= so past few things happen in my life for the past few days/weeks. 1st there's raya. didnt enjoy my 1st day due to someone spoiling the outing plan. not gonna mention any further. [= so after 1 month of fasting and not working out(lepak beb) finally step into the gym. it felt abit rusty at first but when my blood starting to pump thats when it start to feel fine. haha. so the next wed after rays went for my training and damn was it tought! i could not even run my normal run! haha. how to run tell me? that raya week keep on eating all the kuih, cakes, rendang, ayam merah and stuff. haha. so a few days time sch oppened. recieved new timetable and its great. only on monday it was pack from 9.30 - 5.30. tues = fri half day. yay. and monday lesson where i really study start at 1.30. so its like 4 hours of studying and 4 hours of p.e. and lifeskills. so yeah. since school has started my schedule have been busy. with training, school and gym. [= yeah thats my job. ouh and i just got my first spar in the gym during training. it was a light one but yeah its fun. and some how i starting to feel motivated to go training. [=[= and now i want to go to sleep. tmr sch at 8 - 10. how great is that? sch for freaking 2 hours! haha. and at night will go out with family for dad belated birthday dinner. its belated cause on 19 oct my bro going for his holiday at sepang to watch motor gp. so on 19 oct which is my dad birthday we wait for 12 am and wake him up from his sleep and sing him the birthday song. haha. he cut the cake then straight go back to sleep. haha. his to tired. so yeah. bro owe me a pic of lorenzo make sure he get it for me. haha. till here byebye. [=