hi hi hi
hmm hmm hmm
ok i donnoe what to do so juz tot it will be fun 2 update my blog
but after logging in idk what to type.
on thursday slack at home.
i think,
cant remember if i got go out.
then friday went for prayers then slack at shol house.
talk to him for a while after a long time
it's been so long since i met him , luqman n basirah.
all bz i guess.
shol with his ncc
basirah used to be bz with school but now donnoe bz with what
n luqman? i donnoe if he is bz or not.
ok slacked at shol house till 7
i tot it was oni 5++ cause the sky is still bright.
on sat went out for chinese new year!!
1st time.
got to exprience what it is like to celebrate cny.
it is more lively then hari raya i should say
cause every1 is so kecoh
with gambling n stuff.
they gamble i watch.
we went to Mr Ivan house.
one of my managers in my group.
chat with my friends n stuff.
talk to dickson(dicky) most of the time.
dicky is his nick name i gave him
miss him allot.
so long nvr come work.
hmm we stay there till 9 pm n wanted to go to james house.
i didnt go cause late already.
most of them go to james house.
went home eat with sis n dad then watch tv.
and then today
did nothing
juz watch tv
zhi liang ask me if i want to go cny outing with them again today.
at kembangan
me being lazy i didnt go
so watch manu vs man city match
waste of time.
manu lost 2-1
after that watch kim possible the movie,
even better
ok tt it.
i donnoe what i'm gonna do tmr so tt it ah
bye bye
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