hello all. been busy for the past few days or week. been studying all week. finally exam is over! wohooo. e maths was on monday. the paper is quite ok. i think can get aroud 70 like that. and 2nd paper was apa which is yesterday. the paper which allot people hate to take. been studying that sub but nothing went in to my brain. -_- the paper was quite hard but i think i can pass it. a pass is good enough for me in this sub. hehe. ok since i been busy studying i have completely stop working out! and that is bad. some more it is the month of fasting so cant do much. when people fast they become smaller for me its the other way round. how or why idk. haha. so since hols is here i starting to work out back. [= so this morning wake up at 4.30 just to go for my morning jog. was hard to wake up. haha then dad wake me up. haha. "wake up go for your jog dont be lazy!" haha so wake up stretch then off for the jog. jog only for 15 min before heading back to eat b4 starting my fast. i think i did about err 1.5k. ok i'm not happy. did 1.5k with a wind breaker on and i only sweat abit. -_-" useless. well its a start. and my leg is aching. i ment my feet! so now have to play dumbell then mayb after fast run again? yes no idk. hope to be 85~90 kg at the end of fasting. *cross finger* cant wait for the end of fasting then boxing is back on. wohoo. haha. ouh ouh ouh for the past few days i been busy cooking. haha. so far i cook, fried rice, fried mee and western. haha. today might be cooking spagati. haha. i'll upload some pic of the past few week during sch in the next post. hehe alright till here bye. [=
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