Saturday 26 July 2008

alright monkeys. long time didnt update. been bz this week. mon sch 9-5 then training. till night. then tuesday sch ended at 2 and watch racial harmony day concert for a while. just to see vijay dance then home. ard 6+ went out skipped training and play soccer after what look like a long time. haha. scored 3 goals in 2 game. hehe.[= wed sch till 4 reach home and slept all the way till nx day. i was that tired! yes. then on thursday was my nafa test. my 2.4 or should i say 2km run was 13.49 haha. after nafa test chillax at the canteen then went for fia lesson. ouh and i was selected for the compertition. like damn. need allot of comitment. but nvm can put on resume, haha. friday which is today was late for apa. then maths we got a test. i think i can pass. but not tt good cause did not study, hehe. now jus finish cleaning my house as tmr there will be a kenduri at my house. so tmr will go for training then home straigt away. OK NOW I REALLY REALLY WANT TO FIGHT!! HAHA. CANNOT TAHAN ALREADY. AFTER DONNOE HOW MANY MONTHS. ANYONE WANT TO SPAR? PLS CALL ME. HAHA. i'll sponcer the glove. hehe.alright tt it. sleep now. tmr training. nites.

Thursday 17 July 2008

*totally random*
hey all. been busy this few days. with schools & training & not even have time to rest. haha! so on monday went to school and guess what i was early! haha. then after school slack in school for a while then off to training. training was fun. since coach didnt come we just did our own things. did some stretching some skipping, normal run(i ran half round) haha, more skipping, shadow boxing, speed bag, a ball thinggie (donnoe what its called.) and more skipping! haha. really need to lose weight. i just make a bet with my friends. by the end of three months my waist size should be 34! like wth! if any of us lose, we need to treat a family feast. so i really3 dont want to lose. so on tuesday class ended early went home watch tv and at around 6+ went out for training. while walking to the bus stop it started to drizzle. so text aidil he said its raining there, so i didnt go. text shahzan the gym. since long time didnt go gym i felt abit heavy carrying those weight. haha. when finished weight training went to the track mill and jog for 800 m. wanted to jog more but shahzan want to go. sibey inpatient. b4 we left i check my weight and i have lose some weight. now its 95.75 kg. woot. i think i'm gonna beat khairizal bet. confirm. (below 90kg end of the year.) after gym i was so tired i slept early. haha. on wed forced myself to get out of the bed and into the toilet. during sw, mr whatshisname said next week will be nafa test. sibey sian. so have to start training now. =( after he talk a while he let us off. so me, syed, zul and su went to the fitness conner and have fun there? did a few pull up, push up, and some other thing i donnoe what its called. then back to canteen to rest. slack at canteen for a while then hui gek came. slack with her as she also have dragon boat training. so took 198 all the way to boon lay buy my drink and off to kallang. was late. so when i get there changed and run. came back skipped. ouh and coach said i already have the basic. yay. haha. so did some shadow boxing, speed bag and the ball tinggie. went home. reach home ard 11.45. reach home rest , tv, com, and sleep at 1. and today class start at 10.30 was 5 min late. didnt do much actually. i was more disturbing ppl then studying. haha. today abit hyper. after that break then fia. i didnt get selected to go for fia competition cause that lesson i was being playful. hehe. nvm. i dont think i can commit much time also. after lesson went to the pull up bar and did abt 30++?? pull up! nabeh. really kena push. got ppl support obviously. if i can do 30++ pull up then i dont have to train for it rite? so left ard 6 then home. so that's it for today. class staring at 8 tmr and i have not done my maths. shit! so byebye now. [=

Friday 11 July 2008

*like cool like that*
hello all. sorry for the lack of update, my life have been abit hectic these few days.
for these whole week i've been going to class late.
on monday class start at 9am i came at 9.35
tuesday start at 8am i came 9.45 hehe
wednesday morning class been canceled luckily if not i'll be late
thursday class start at 10.30 but i skipped that lesson and came at 1.30
friday class start at 8 i came at 8.30

ok thats bad. but i cant help myself. my body is sibeh tired,
sun was working full shift.
then on mon i went for boxing.
tues rest but not enough
wed boxing again!
thurs rest but still not enough
fri rest. i think my body should be abit ok by now?

so tmr theres boxing training early in the morning
frm 9.30 - 12.30
early morning workout already.
i think it should be fun?

alright update more when i know what to say,
till then
bye bye. [=

Tuesday 8 July 2008

aminah and aidil
shopping spree.
this is kit. [=
tired worker
he fell into the box when he is trying to sit on it.
gonna miss this place.
a promoter.
4th day if i'm not wrong.
his last day.
last pic of the night.
me and farah pendek. ehh i meant farahDee
all blacks
ini name dia perangai!
i extra in the pic. [=
slacking when we should be folding!
me, ajaj, long.
aidil rabak makan pizza tk tunggu org.
my team! [=
the red one is yati. and marcus is jealous.
long, uncle, marcus
suzi, long, yati
stop being emo! your not the only one with problem! LOL
i call her tazan. she shout damn loud!
bluek! i'm cute ur not! HAHA!
me long marcus. new found friends.
say no to nike.
he really burn my hand!
pic by marcus.
long and suzi
this is AMINAH!!
alright here's the proper update that i said i would do. started working at expo last last Saturday(28/06/08). the first few days was tiring. was standing for the whole 10~12 hours. then on Wednesday we got 2 new people join our team. Sheng Long and Marcus. Both are damn funny. their 1st day i thought that they are just slackers didn't want to do work cause every time we look at them they are gone. haha. then we (Aidil and I) talk to them and we found out they are damn funny! we were sitting at the cafe area when they walk pass us. so we talk to them abit the suddenly we bonded faster then you can say "hello!" lol then we walk around expo disturbing both girls and guys. haha the two Chinese use their tactic (cannot mention here) to start a conversation. i also make allot of new friends. like Nikki, Aminah/Suzi, Fadillah, Kit, Kieve, abang Esham, abang Gani, stim, Michelle, Nizam, ah kat, Elynn, and lots more. working with Aidil is quite fun. even though he is irritating and annoying at times he is fun to be with. [= so i went to sleep wake up, sleep wake up and tadaa its the last day of work. quite a sad day actually. gonna miss all the new friends. hope to meet up soon. [= So on the last day abang Esham promise to treat my team pizza. he gave me $50 to buy anything we want. Cool or what? haha. so we bought Canadian pizza. which is the cheapest pizza in the market. 2 for 1. lol. total cost was 42+ then when pizza came he went home already. haha. he also got tell me he full already. he said he have already eaten 2 bowls of mee siam during his 2 lunch break. HAHA. so we called the pizza man after my hourly special and 30 min of helping renoma brief hourly sale. pizza came around 9.30 and the four of us eat together. Aidil, Long, Marcus and I. dilla was in a bad mood or something so she pass. then we called aminah/suzi to eat with us. you guys might wonder why she got two name rite? haha. Suzi is her name given by her parent but Aminah is her name given by us. haha! slack a while then went home around 11.15. reach home abt 11.45 play com then only sleep at 2.30. hehe.

next day woke up late for school. since i was both tired and sleepy people thought i was in a bad mood. haha. school start at 9 i reach 9.45. after school slack at canteen for a while before making my way to kallang for my training. it was my first training so i'm a bit nervous. start warm up a quick jog then coach (Syed Kahdir) teach me and another guy forgot his name the basic. just normal right and left hand some foot work and speed bag. the speed bag look easier then it is! you have to hit it let it hit 3 times before hitting it again. damn difficult. but the seniors make it look so easy. haha. after that do some cooling down session and went home. the guy who train 1st day with me give me a ride to kallang mrt station. he is driving a Mercedes! blody hell only 21~23 years old. then home. reach home chat with my new friends abit then bed.

today class start at 8 and i reach at about 9.30! haha fucking late. lol. too tired i guess. class ended at 1.30 help CA do some stuff and she treat us lunch. [= then met sholihin and lepak with him, luqman, shahzan, and my cousin syarqawi at je mac. catch up on everything and reach home at 8.30. since tmr jpd is canceled i can wake up late tomorrow yeah. and tomorrow will be boxing day. yay. thats it. pic on the next up date. bye bye
hey all. been bz for the past week. been working with aidil at expo. it was fun. i nvr feel so happy working. lol. since i'm tired promise a proper update soon. btw BOXING WAS FUN!