Tuesday 8 July 2008

alright here's the proper update that i said i would do. started working at expo last last Saturday(28/06/08). the first few days was tiring. was standing for the whole 10~12 hours. then on Wednesday we got 2 new people join our team. Sheng Long and Marcus. Both are damn funny. their 1st day i thought that they are just slackers didn't want to do work cause every time we look at them they are gone. haha. then we (Aidil and I) talk to them and we found out they are damn funny! we were sitting at the cafe area when they walk pass us. so we talk to them abit the suddenly we bonded faster then you can say "hello!" lol then we walk around expo disturbing both girls and guys. haha the two Chinese use their tactic (cannot mention here) to start a conversation. i also make allot of new friends. like Nikki, Aminah/Suzi, Fadillah, Kit, Kieve, abang Esham, abang Gani, stim, Michelle, Nizam, ah kat, Elynn, and lots more. working with Aidil is quite fun. even though he is irritating and annoying at times he is fun to be with. [= so i went to sleep wake up, sleep wake up and tadaa its the last day of work. quite a sad day actually. gonna miss all the new friends. hope to meet up soon. [= So on the last day abang Esham promise to treat my team pizza. he gave me $50 to buy anything we want. Cool or what? haha. so we bought Canadian pizza. which is the cheapest pizza in the market. 2 for 1. lol. total cost was 42+ then when pizza came he went home already. haha. he also got tell me he full already. he said he have already eaten 2 bowls of mee siam during his 2 lunch break. HAHA. so we called the pizza man after my hourly special and 30 min of helping renoma brief hourly sale. pizza came around 9.30 and the four of us eat together. Aidil, Long, Marcus and I. dilla was in a bad mood or something so she pass. then we called aminah/suzi to eat with us. you guys might wonder why she got two name rite? haha. Suzi is her name given by her parent but Aminah is her name given by us. haha! slack a while then went home around 11.15. reach home abt 11.45 play com then only sleep at 2.30. hehe.

next day woke up late for school. since i was both tired and sleepy people thought i was in a bad mood. haha. school start at 9 i reach 9.45. after school slack at canteen for a while before making my way to kallang for my training. it was my first training so i'm a bit nervous. start warm up a quick jog then coach (Syed Kahdir) teach me and another guy forgot his name the basic. just normal right and left hand some foot work and speed bag. the speed bag look easier then it is! you have to hit it let it hit 3 times before hitting it again. damn difficult. but the seniors make it look so easy. haha. after that do some cooling down session and went home. the guy who train 1st day with me give me a ride to kallang mrt station. he is driving a Mercedes! blody hell only 21~23 years old. then home. reach home chat with my new friends abit then bed.

today class start at 8 and i reach at about 9.30! haha fucking late. lol. too tired i guess. class ended at 1.30 help CA do some stuff and she treat us lunch. [= then met sholihin and lepak with him, luqman, shahzan, and my cousin syarqawi at je mac. catch up on everything and reach home at 8.30. since tmr jpd is canceled i can wake up late tomorrow yeah. and tomorrow will be boxing day. yay. thats it. pic on the next up date. bye bye

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